E-IGHWMO Efforts

Learn about our current efforts to help improve our watershed and what you can do to help!

Rain Barrel

Rain Barrels

Reusing rain water helps keep local lakes, wetlands and rivers clean, and can reduce a homeowners monthly water bill. E-IGHWMO partners with local businesses to offer rain barrels at a discounted price to residents of the watershed. Pre-orders will typically be taken in the Spring of the year. Please check back or use this pre-order form so we can contact you. For more information on the rain barrel and installation options see the Installation and Maintenance Brochure.

Smart Salting

When snow and ice melts, the salt goes with it, washing into our lakes, streams, wetlands, and groundwater. Once in the water, there is no way to remove the chloride, and it takes only one teaspoon of road salt to permanently pollute five gallons of water. Less is more when it comes to applying salt because at high concentrations, chloride can harm the fish and plant life in our waters. Request smart salting cups from E-IGHWMO and spread the word, not the salt!

Salt on Icy Sidewalk
Bee lawn

Water Smart Yards Checklist

The greatest source of water pollution in cities is from stormwater runoff. The way we manage our yards can have a big impact on stormwater runoff and the quality of our local lakes. The Water Smart Yards checklist has 14 different areas of improvement for homeowners to consider. Use the checklist as a self-assessment to see how you are doing. If you meet all 14 you can request a sign to proudly display in your Water Smart Yard.


E-IGHWMO sees value in partnering and supporting existing programs. The following are a few examples of programs that the E-IGHWMO supports.

Landscaping for Clean Water

Program offered through the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District in which homeowners attend an introduction presentation, followed by design course in which they can design a raingarden, shoreline planting or native planting and potentially receive a $250 grant.


Storm drains flow directly to local lakes, rivers, and wetlands, acting as a conduit for trash and pollutants. Adopt a Drain asks residents to adopt a storm drain in their neighborhood and keep it clear of leaves, trash, and other debris to reduce water pollution.

Minnesota Water Stewards

Program offered through Freshwater allows residents to become experts and help their community by working on projects and continuing their own education on water issues.

CLIMB Theatre

The local theater group provides water-themed interactive presentations in Eagan schools and some special events programming.